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Real time protection not working

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There is a recent thread about Real-Time protection layers not being able to turn on. A lot of people are having this problem, including me.  I sent in a support request but have not heard back.  The thread about the problem was closed, locked, so that no one can post to it.  Why was this done? There was a link to v3.0.6 in that thread that would fix it, but it turned out to be bogus, it installed, restarted, and I was still left with v3.0.5.1299.

Also would like to mention the word fraud.  If you are not familiar with the word fraud, it means you don't get what you pay for.  I have paid for both a working program and email support, and have received neither.

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I am giving up on this. I have done all that has been recommended and it works for awhile, and then goes back to the Real Time Protection layers turned off ( web protection). I am going to ignore it for some time and then see if it is fixed. I just have no desire to keep going through the process. I am confident it will be fixed in time, and I will go through the process. FWIW I am finding the problem on my desktop with W 10. I do not use my laptop much, but the problem has not occurred on the laptop using W 7


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