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whats a good computer cleaning program

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What are you looking to clean?

As far as I know, CC Cleaner's one of the best!

Have you tried ATF cleaner though?


i got ccleaner but is there a better cleaning program out there?
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I think that I have heard of it and may have used a trial version of that software, but I can't quite remember now, it was a long while ago.

And Prairie dog is right - you really should not mess with the registry unless you know exactly what you are doing.

have you tried tuneup utilties 2008? i love ccleaner and will always use it but this program is way better than ccleaner. I cam across it by accident too
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I think that I have heard of it and may have used a trial version of that software, but I can't quite remember now, it was a long while ago.

And Prairie dog is right - you really should not mess with the registry unless you know exactly what you are doing.

I am also using Tuneup Utilties 2008.

It should not be a problem with proper backup & imaging.

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I've never heard of that but as long as you know what you're doing you should be fine. :)

I am also using Tuneup Utilties 2008.

It should not be a problem with proper backup & imaging.

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