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Malwarebytes icon in the Win 10 taskbar notification area has disabled protection warning but dashboard reports everything is enabled

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The Malwarebytes icon in my Windows 10 taskbar notification area has a red triangle/exclamation point. Hovering my mouse cursor over the icon shows me my updates are up to date but that protection is disabled. So I right-click the icon for more info and find that the web, exploit and ransomware protection modules are all on but the malware module is off. But when I open Malwarebytes, the dashboard shows that all the modules are reporting they are enabled. I'm an optimistic sort of guy. I want to believe what the Malwarebytes dashboard is reporting: all the protection modules are enabled and I can distrust the taskbar notification icon. Would a member of the staff here concur? 

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35 minutes ago, Porthos said:

I have seen you browsing the forums the last couple of days, Have you followed the uninstall and reinstall we are telling every one else yet?


3 minutes ago, dcollins said:

Have you restarted your computer recently? There are some instances where the tray icon gets out of sync with the application and a restart will usually help

That's why I was browsing - looking for people with a similar issue so I don't clog the forum.....yes I have tried restarting. No change.

I am not going to uninstall and reinstall for a simple icon discrepancy. I wanted an opinion on the notification icon warning vs the Malwarebytes dashboard.

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16 minutes ago, TheThornWithin said:

That doesn't answer my question.

I didn't ask how to get rid of the icon warning.

I asked which I should believe: the notification icon or the Malwarebytes dashboard.

The dashboard should be the most up to date. If you want to be certain, you can run mb-check from the following link: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb3_check

Once it runs, look in the "Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Service and Driver Status:" section and make sure that all services say (The service is running), like what you see here:


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