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I Googled a car wash that I knew had been sold, clicked on link that said it was new car wash's web site and got a screen that said I'd been infected please call, blah blah blah.

I know enough not to call and how to use task manager to shut it down.  

Ran Malwarebtytes (with PUP and PUM and rootkit scan enabled) and Avast.  Neither of which found anything.

Went to Programs and Features, found 3 things that were installed today, an Intel Graphics Driver, an Avast update, and Vulkan Runtime Libraries, none of which are malicious.

How can I find and get rid of this Zeus thing and make sure it's really gone?

Read directions in "I'm infected post" and ran FRST64 and am attaching logs.





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Similar to these ?

I have created a 1series of videos generated from these fraud sites for the purposes of recognition and education.  They are all  videos from real web sites.  ALL are FRAUDS.

All these have one thing in common and they have nothing to do with any software on your PC.  They are all nefarious web sites meant to defraud you of money. The objective is to, falsely, goad you to make the phone call and pay for some service contract for an incident that never happened.  From there they may continue to charge your Credit Card for other services, remote into your computer and do real damage and/or exfiltrate your personal data and they may use the information they obtain from you to commit additional frauds.


I have also created a PDF ScreenShow of a myriad of FakeAlert screens - FakeAlert-Screens.pdf

Note:  I do my best to submit as many sites as possible such that Malwarebytes' products can block access to them.  You can see my submissions in;  Newest IP or URL Threats  labeled as "HTML.FakeAlert".

US FBI PSA - Tech Support Scam


1.  Also located at "My Online Security" - Some videos of typical tech support scams


Edited by David H. Lipman
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Hi David,

There was no sound, and even though the web page that was displayed isn't exactly like any of those in the PDF you attached, it was very similar, but it would not let me close the tab or Chrome and I had to use Task Manager to close it.

Hopefully it truly was just a scam to try to get me to call.



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Most of these FakeAlerts will have some narrative but not all do.  Albeit, some can demonstrate some forms of quite an annoying "noise".

Please look at the PDF screen-show.  It has a wide variety of different FakeAlert displays ( no audio ).

Edited by David H. Lipman
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