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I ran Malwarebytes a few weeks ago, and four viruses were located, before I could get them removed, my computer died and I haven't been able to isolate them again even after running Malwarebytes multiple times.

Running Windows 8.1. Computer is getting increasingly slower and often doesn't respond at all. I am having serious issues trying to download and install updates. I've successfully installed only a few.  Files are attached.  I appreciate any help!!!  Thanks!




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Hello and :welcome:


Download WhoCrashed from here:

This program will try to verify the analysis, which is the cause of driver error.
Note: This program requires installation.

Double-click to start the installation, and click Next

  • Check I accept the agreement and then the Next .
    The program install to that location, and under that name by the program you offer.
  • Click Next and in the next window, click Next
  • Check Create a Desktop Icon and then click Next and then Install . .

    After you've installed WhoCrashed program, run it.

    Note: If you get message that it look like this:


    Click Download the requested file from the Microsoft site now and wait for the process to
    download additional files and installation is complete.

    >> When the program starts, click Analyze .
    When scanning is done,click OK .

  • Right-click on the area of the page with the report and select Select All, .

  • Right-click on the area of the page with the report and select copy

  • Open a new Notepad and select past to copy the contents of the logo in the notepad.

Now you can close the program.

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Hi!  Thank you very much for assisting with this.  Apologies for the delay in responding....had a long weekend working.  Just an update, it took over an hour to access your reply; the computer's Disk process was maxed at 100% the entire time...kind of normal these days.  Grr.  :)

The WhoCrashed report is attached.

Thanks again!



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Okay, let's perform one more check:


2eyjdoj.png Check Disk

  • Press the WindowsKey.png on your keyboard. Type cmd and right click >> Run as Administrator.
  • Copy/Enter the command below and press Enter:
    chkdsk C: /r
  • You should get a message to schedule Check Disk at next system restart. Please type Y and press Enter.
  • All you should do now is to restart your PC and let the Check Disk process finish uninterrupted.

Check Disk report:

  • Press the WindowsKey.png + R on your keyboard at the same time. Type powershell.exe and click OK.
  • Copy and paste the following command inside powershell window and press Enter:
    get-winevent -FilterHashTable @{logname="Application"; id="1001"}| ?{$_.providername –match "wininit"} | fl timecreated, message | out-file Desktop\CHKDSKResults.txt
  • Paste the contents into your next reply.

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Hello again!

I ran CHKDSK - the first time was interrupted, so the out-file was blank.  I ran CHKDSK again and the attached out-file was created.

The system is a bit more usable now, whereas the last few days it's been "click" and cook dinner before anything happens.  Pretty bad when the old dial-up days seem lightning fast in comparison. HA! When I look at current processes, I'm still getting maxed out on the Disk processes, it's hanging at 100% (most of the drag is coming from "System" and a few "Service Host" processes.  CPU and Memory values are in acceptable ranges.  

I still can't install updates. 

Thank you so much!!!!




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