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"We can't sign you into your account

This problem can often be fixed by signing out of your account and then signing back in. If you don't sign out now, any files you create or changes you make will be lost"

I have above problem after cleaning up by Malwarebytes 3.0 in Windows 10, I will be treated as a new user account and cannot see my files under my original profile.

If I disable Malwarebytes at windows startup and the self protection modules in settings, I can login without problem.

Any idea for fixing this issue? Thanks.

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13 minutes ago, neonlo said:

If I disable Malwarebytes at windows startup and the self protection modules in settings, I can login without problem.


13 minutes ago, neonlo said:

Any idea for fixing this issue? Thanks.

What you did is the current fix for the issue. Now just a question to further confirm my current theory. Was this scan that caused this the FIRST scan after install and there was not a restart after installation but before the scan??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ahh yes, that will erase any quarantined filed. Let's try this to get more information around what's going on:

  1. Open Malwarebytes
  2. Go to Settings -> Application
  3. Turn on the option 'Event Log Data'
  4. Go to Settings -> Protection
  5. Turn on the option for 'Start Malwarebytes at Windows startup'
  6. Restart your computer
  7. Log in to the temporary profile
  8. Open Malwareybytes
  9. Go to Settings -> Application
  10. Turn off the option 'Event Log Data'
  11. Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService
    • Note that the ProgramData folder may be hidden. You may need to turn on the option to show hidden files and folders, or type the path manually
  12. Right click the logs folder and choose Send to -> Compressed (Zipped) folder
    • This will create a zip file on your desktop named logs.zip
  13. Upload logs.zip in your response

This won't fix your issue, but it should give us an idea of what's going on.

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