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1 hour ago, Qurajber said:

I tried everything but the problem is repeated.

There were issues with the update servers that should be fixed by now. 

If you have not already exit malwarebytes from the system tray and then restart your computer by clicking start and choose restart.

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Hi everyone,

Please try the following to resolve the update issue:

On 3/21/2017 at 6:49 PM, bdubrow said:

Please do a a check for updates and ensure you're on Update Package 1.0.1562 or later, and then reboot your system. 

There was an issue with an earlier update which caused some systems to get stuck in the odd update state. To fully recover, the reboot is necessary.

If you are still having trouble after completing the above, please contact our support team here: https://support.malwarebytes.com/customer/portal/emails/new?b_id=6400


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Everything worked until two days ago. I uninstalled ESET, only Malwarebytes is installed. Starts with Windows but do not like to update. I fixed the host file although the old host file all worked up two days ago. I apologize for the English language. I was disappointed :(


Edited by Qurajber
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Looks like there's still some stuff in your hosts file. Can you use the instructions on the following site to reset it entirely? Then reboot and see if the updates work. I understand it's a new issue, but I want to make sure we rule out all possible interactions first.


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To fix my deleting the host data that before doing an uninstall and the cleaning tool with reboots included but the deactivation of the license keys, you have to make a backup of the hosts before the deletion, then install the latest version that is the beta CU4 of malwarebytes

 and try the update in free mode and if the latest version is (1.0.1596) you can activate the key for the premium version, and finally can enable the used hosts. With that it solves the HTTP 400 error of the update servers. Sorry for the language but this is my method for free and premium users of MB 3.x.

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10 hours ago, dcollins said:

Looks like there's still some stuff in your hosts file. Can you use the instructions on the following site to reset it entirely? Then reboot and see if the updates work. I understand it's a new issue, but I want to make sure we rule out all possible interactions first.



New hosts fail and now works. Thanks

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On 25.3.2017. at 10:43 PM, dcollins said:

Looks like there's still some stuff in your hosts file. Can you use the instructions on the following site to reset it entirely? Then reboot and see if the updates work. I understand it's a new issue, but I want to make sure we rule out all possible interactions first.


Everything works perfect, thank you.





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