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Yesterday I was prompted to update from version 2 for the first time (from within the program) ...so I did!

I immediately had problems - Microsoft OneDrive was disabled and I was unable to start it again.

Also, I tried to run an initial  full scan, which just froze after running for 3+ hours.

(I don't have any logs as I immediately uninstalled it and reverted to version 2, at which point everything returned to 'normal').

You obviously still have some way to go to establish a stable and reliable product.

Comments, please!



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49 minutes ago, PeterBradford said:

Yesterday I was prompted to update from version 2 for the first time (from within the program) ...so I did!


Never more than a Threat scan is necessary.

49 minutes ago, PeterBradford said:

Yesterday I was prompted to update from version 2 for the first time (from within the program) ...so I did!

Clean installs have less of a problem.



52 minutes ago, PeterBradford said:

I don't have any logs as I immediately uninstalled it and reverted to version 2

You could still post some logs so we can get a better loak at your system to see what might have gone wrong.

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8 hours ago, Porthos said:

Porthos, thank you for taking the time to respond...

Never more than a Threat scan is necessary.

I just thought a 'full' scan the first time would give me an indication of the likely speed, should I ever need to perform one.

Clean installs have less of a problem.

I'd attempt that, but only after I was convinced that it would work.

You could still post some logs so we can get a better loak at your system to see what might have gone wrong.

Ok, tell me which logs I can post before attempting another update/install.


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I personally don't see any issues in the logs that scream issues.

Try a clean install. But take note in the instructions about deactivating  your license and having the key handy.

Uninstall the regular way with restarts in between before running the clean tool.

Also restart your computer before you attempt a threat scan. Because of the types of files MB DOES NOT target (another topic of discussion) I do not ever see the need to ever run a FULL scan at any time. 

And then download mb3-setup-consumer- installer from this link. for install.



Edited by Porthos
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