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This is not good. 100's of my customers have ASC on their computers and now I am getting tons of calls cause MWB is removing/destroying the program that I use on their PC's This program is not PUP it is a legit program There are many knock off fakes like it, but now you are costing me hassle and $ so I will not sell this any longer. I have used both ASC and MWB for years with no problems. Your forums claim it is flagged because it modifies the registry, well so does MWB  so according to your logic your program should remove itself. ASC has a free and paid for version so does MWB You show me documentations where ASC harms a PC. This is crap now I got frustrated and PO customers and I am going to have to try and fix all this. You can't just expect people to know what to ignore or exclude my users don't know how and now many have run mwb and are all freaked out.

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Yes I already reported it and they basically said tuff crap, case closed, not able to reply. Do you really think I would put a harmfull program on my customers PC's? I research the crap out of programs I use. I think ASC does a better job then CCleaner but according to the new MWB it probably removes that so techs are left with going back 20 years in technolog and manually doing everything,

As per the link above and WHY you classify, you would have to classify MWB because it also access registry etc. I have users who paid for the ASC program, now it doesnt work. whats next remove MS office? windows OS because it changes registry entries? Yes I am upset you would be also if you had to now deal with a lot of calls

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FWIW, Avira is doing the same. Iobit needs to clean up their act. Best to complain to them. And really, you shouldn't be selling ASC or any IObit product unless you get a kickback from the unintended installs IObit generates :lol:

Edited by Telos
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your ignorant then. I have used it for years with no problems and it does a good job at what it does. But I am done here no amount of reporting is going to do any good to devs who live in a cubicle and write programs in a test bubble environment. I will search for other alternatives. 

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8 minutes ago, wwcw said:

your ignorant then. I have used it for years with no problems and it does a good job at what it does. But I am done here no amount of reporting is going to do any good to devs who live in a cubicle and write programs in a test bubble environment. I will search for other alternatives. 

Ignorance is supporting a company that uses plagiarism and intellectual property theft as a core part of their mission.

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