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So you ruined what was once good malware software. I'm a paid customer with the full lifetime license for years now. I used to recommend Malware Bytes to friends. Not anymore, you've ruined this software.

The first indication was that it broke my backup software a few nights ago. Acronis 2015 would no longer perform backups. Then I see that there were problems with Malware bytes, I had just upgraded to 3.06. Sure enough Malwarebytes was the problem.

I read your other thread about how to fix it, well guess what, I've wasted hours trying to get this stupid software to work again, I finally downgraded back to Malwarebytes 2.2 which I never had a problem with.

Notify me when you actually fix this software. I'm done wasting hours on it.

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We feel your pain, I would have thought that a lot of us have wasted a lot of time trying to sort out issues on our PC's only to find that its version 3. Also, I bet there are quite a few people that have reverted back to version 2 (like I have too) until they sort out all the issues with version 3, which would appear to be quite extensive.

I hope they sort it soon, as the updates to version 2 stop in June 2017, so I believe?

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