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I think I get it now.  Pretty funny.  MWB version 3 takes up so much of my i7 PC's resources that it is unusable.  After attempting to open Firefox, and after waiting about 3 minutes and it still didn't open, I see MB is taking up over 700 MB of RAM. Nearly 100% of resources being used.  After attempting to open Task Manager to kill MWB (again), and after waiting 3 more minutes for Task Manager to open, I was finally able to kill this miserable beast.  Now my computer runs normal.

As I said, pretty funny how an anti-malware program prevents malware by not allowing you access to your browser.

You guys really need to address this.  I have it on three Windows 10 x64 machines and the problem affects all three.

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13 minutes ago, proton777 said:

MB is open, meaning the icon is visible in the System Tray where I can click on it and the dashboard appears.  It is not manually scanning or auto-scanning.  The resource hog is the MBAM service which is what I have to manually stop in order to use my computer.

Well looking back on your posts I see that you have not posted any of the diagnostic logs that staff need to see whats going on with your system and Malwarebytes. Since you have this topic allto yourself please follow the instructions in the following pose and submit the logs please.



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