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Thanks, Malwarebytes. Thank you for ruining my computer. I did a full scan and deleted every file it told me to delete. I restarted my computer, and everything was looking fine until i got to logging in. I entered my password, then a few minutes later I get an error saying there was a problem. I log out, log back in, same problem. I restarted, shut down and turned back on, but nothing worked, It would direct me into a temporary account and give the the same error. I decided to restore all the files to fix the problem. A few minutes later, it stops leaving a few files yet to be restored. An error message pops up saying "Unable to restore one or more quarantined items: The system cannot find the files specified." I kept on trying to restore them but it just wasn't working. Without those files, I won't be able to log back on to my accounts. All of my data on those accounts is(are?) gone. I really need help.

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19 minutes ago, lovrovr said:

It would direct me into a temporary account and give the the same error.

When you see that at boot choose dismiss and let it come up in the temp profile. when it comes turn off enable self protection in settings and reboot. IF that does not get you in to your regular profile and turn off start with windows and report back your results.

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Thank you for the response. I had suspected the self protection driver was causing this issue.


Was this scan the first scan after install? If so I believe that the self protection driver needs a couple reboots before an initial scan after install.

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