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I had this problem last year and it took several months to track down. It turns out that Microsoft Windows Defender and Malwarebytes real time protection don't play well together.

 The solution: turn off Malwarebytes real time protection.

 A couple of months ago, I upgraded to Malwarebytes 3.0. The upgrade process turned on the real time protection. And for several months, it worked just fine. Then one morning about two weeks ago. I woke my computer up, went to the same web page I was viewing the night before and immediately got the BSOD.

 After the reboot, I got the BSOD almost as soon as I touched any of my browsers. So I am now running Malwarebytes with the real time protection and no more BSOD.

 What is going on and how can I get the protection I am paying for?

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Hello @DanFlak:

Please check the "%SystemRoot%\Minidump" directory for the presence of filenames that correspond to the date/time of the system's recent BSoDs.  If a recent .dmp file exists, please attach with the files requested below:

Please use the locked/pinned topic at Having problems using Malwarebytes? Please follow these steps: as a checklist to give devs/staffers a starting point for the help you require.  You may reply to this topic with the attached zipped archive and the three (3) separate data files in text form.

Thank you.


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12 hours ago, DanFlak said:

I had this problem last year and it took several months to track down. It turns out that Microsoft Windows Defender and Malwarebytes real time protection don't play well together.

 The solution: turn off Malwarebytes real time protection.

 A couple of months ago, I upgraded to Malwarebytes 3.0. The upgrade process turned on the real time protection. And for several months, it worked just fine. Then one morning about two weeks ago. I woke my computer up, went to the same web page I was viewing the night before and immediately got the BSOD.

 After the reboot, I got the BSOD almost as soon as I touched any of my browsers. So I am now running Malwarebytes with the real time protection and no more BSOD.

 What is going on and how can I get the protection I am paying for?

We feel your pain, loads of us are having the same issues with the BSOD. I got that annoyed with it, I went back to version 2, until they can sort all the issues with version 3 out!

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Thanks 1PW

Here is the information requested in the posts. Thank you for the information and for taking the time to respond and look at this issue. I hope it can be resolved. I like the product and would like to use it to its full potential. There were 2 or 3 files that the FarBar Tool could not read.







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Hello @DanFlak:

Please repeat the following for the MB3 logs:

  1. A copy of the contents of "C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\MBAMService\logs" in a ZIP file (attach to post)
    1. The %ProgramData% folder may be hidden. You may need to show hidden files, type the path manually or type “%ProgramData%” in the Run command.
  2. Attach the ZIP file by clicking on the "Drag files here to attach, or choose files..." or simply drag the file to the attachment area.

Thank you.

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19 minutes ago, DanFlak said:

Thank you for the response.

I have the realtime protection disabled and it is not blue screening. When is the next update scheduled so I can look out for it?

Some odd thing, I was having a very similar issue. All i did was when i installed malwarebytes i went to the settings and disabled windows defender. Apparently, either windows or malwarebytes just doesn't like two AV softwares running simultaneously

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According to an article I read in How to Geek (still looking for it). Windows Defender is supposed to recognize the existence of another anti-virus program and take a back seat, although you can invoke it for a second opinion. Apparently this is a piece of Microsoft Propaganda.

I've excluded Malwarebytes from Windows Defender and vice-versa - but that doesn't work.


The advice from the Microsoft Community "just uninstall Malwarebytes."

"That's good to hear. it could be a compatibility issue. For now, just uninstall Malwarebytes to prevent BSOD's until they give you a feedback.

Win10 does not really like third-party security software. That's a sad thing. But for me, I only use Windows Defender. It's just a matter of being careful on what websites you visit and emails you open, etc.."

That's like the lesson on safe sex. You don't need a condom, just be careful on your choice of partners and use the rhythm method.

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Malwarebytes 3.x has a setting inside of it that will allow it to run alongside another antivirus program without causing issues with Windows Action Center. Under Settings -> Application you can find the Windows Action Center section. Changing Malwarebytes to 'Never register with Windows Action Center' should allow both Windows Defender and Malwarebytes to run side-by-side


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@dcollins: thanks for the tip, but I think you'll have to add it to the list of things that don't work. As soon as I turned the protection back on, I got the BSOD.

It looks like I will have to wait for the next update of Malwarebytes. When is that scheduled to happen?

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I was having this same issue, just started yesterday in the evening.


Tried system restore to move everything back to the 20th... Still same problem... (Thought it was a just-installed-app, at first). Seemed to be trigged by attempting to use USB3 (LINKSYS) wifi stick.

Uninstalled Malware Bytes, after seeing a thread about other people having the same issue on reddit.

For some time though, it kept saying no realtime protection after rebooting.

Windows defender is disabled.


Leaving it uninstalled for now. Hopefully someone here can email if the issue is resolved, or if more information ( hardware specifics, dumps, logs ) are needed.


Windows 10, i7 2600k, 32GB DDR3 (Corsair with XMP profile enabled... passed MemTest86... thought it could be bad bit in RAM at first, common reason for BAD_POOL),

GTX 980ti, Crucial 960G SSD, USB3 PCI-Express card, Hardware RAID card.

UFEI booting, ASUS motherboard, USB3 LINKSYS WiFi stick.


To be honest, if I don't get contacted about the issue being resolved... It will probably stay uninstalled and i just won't renew. I shouldn't have to come back regularly to find out if a major problem like this was resolved.


Edited by Carl81
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54 minutes ago, Carl81 said:

USB3 LINKSYS WiFi stick.

It is a good chance that this is the cause of the BSOD's. I have replaced 2 clients adapters with these and the issue went away:)


58 minutes ago, Carl81 said:

To be honest, if I don't get contacted about the issue being resolved... It will probably stay uninstalled and i just won't renew. I shouldn't have to come back regularly to find out if a major problem like this was resolved.


I don't know if there is the capability in the forum software to do that but it is a good idea @bdubrow might be able to tell us more.

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We're not able to notify people individually, but we always post an announcement with a Change Log listing all fixes and enhancements whenever a new version is released.

What I would suggest would be to click the Follow button in upper right for this post:

And then ensure your forum Notification Settings are set up so that you'll receive a notification when a new post is added. This way you don't have to proactively come back and check the status but will be notified as soon as there's news.

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8 hours ago, DanFlak said:

@Porthos - I have a NetGear wifi adaptor.

I am using a NetGear wifi adapter and have had BSOD problems with several V3 builds and latest 1.0.75 version as well. I am testing a new beta build which has fixed the BSOD issues and a few other things like incontext file scanning. So hopefully this will translate to a more stable release soon?? 

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Misery loves company - while I am not glad to hear that I am not the only person with this issue, I am glad for the discussion, and I am glad that it is known and being worked on. I will await the notice on my screen that Malwarebytes has detected a new update. Would you like to install it now? I assume that's the way I'll find out.

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  • 1 month later...

I was finally able to get back to addressing this issue. It took a clean re-install of Malwarebytes.

Fortunately, there is a tool for this at: https://downloads.malwarebytes.com/file/mb_clean This link downloads the file: mb-clean- Run this program and answer yes to all the prompts - answer yes to reboot the computer and wait for about a minute after the reboot. Answer yes to the prompt to re-install Malwarebytes. It's totally automatic, and it even remembers your key!

I've been stress testing it all day on all three browsers and it's been behaving itself.



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