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Ever since I installed this anti-ransomeware about a year ago, each and every time I turn my Window 7/ 64 Toshiba Satellite on, I get a pop up that I have an update to install for this program. If I install it, immediately, I get the same pop up in the lower right corner of the screen that I have an update to install...this can go on as many times as I care to play this game. So, I was wondering, about how often do these updates come out so that I don't play this foolish install game? Right now, I install via these popups about once a month, is that enough? Oh, before you suggest a reinstall, I have already done that twice to no avail.

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Hello @hunkahunka01 and :welcome:

The MBARW Beta8 v0.9.17.661 application has been quite stable since its release on September 6, 2016.  Sporadic Component Update Package updates have occurred on an "as needed" basis where the current version should be 1.1.34 on the system in question.  Component Update Package updates are transparent to the system user.

An issue, that likely fits your description above, was resolved many months back with a very thorough clean install where MBARW Beta's directories were carefully double-checked and deleted if first missed by a conventional Windows 7 uninstall.

All may have been as it should, but please try the following MBARW Beta8 clean install procedure to guarantee proper ownerships and integrity:

  1. Delete any and all previous copies of MBARW_Setup.exe and perform a conventional Windows-based uninstall of Malwarebytes Anti-Ransomware v0.9.17.661 followed by a system restart to Windows 7 Normal boot mode.
  2. Please guarantee that the "%ProgramData%\MalwarebytesARW" directory has also been deleted.  Note: The "%ProgramData%" directory is hidden by default and must be unhidden to reveal its sub-directories.
  3. Then, download a fresh copy of the MBARW_Setup.exe to the system's Administrator desktop only.
  4. Right-click the saved MBARW_Setup.exe file icon and left-click RunAsAdmin.jpg  Run as administrator from the context menu and continue.  <===IMPORTANT!
  5. Upon a successful installation, restart the computer in a conventional manner to the Windows 7 Normal boot mode.
  6. After MBARW Beta8's license activation has finished, check to see if several W7 shutdowns/restarts show if the issue is resolved.

When possible, please reply to this topic with your system's status.  Thank you again for your beta testing contribution.

Edited by 1PW
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