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Similar to these ?

I have created a series of videos generated from these fraud sites for the purposes of recognition and education.  They are all  videos from real web sites.  ALL are FRAUDS.








( **Also located at "My Online Security" - Some videos of typical tech support scams )

You will also see I do my best to submit as many sites as possible such that Malwarebytes' products can block access to them.  You can see my submissions in;  Newest IP or URL Threats  labeled as "HTML.FakeAlert".

US FBI PSA - Tech Support Scam



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Thanx for the update.

However what you did was not necessary.  It had nothing to do with any software on your PC.  It is nothing but a nefarious web site.  One with Fraud in mind.  The objective is to, falsely, goad you to make the phone call and pay for some service contract for an incident that never happened.

I apologize for not making that clearer.

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