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I am having a problem with “Captcha” on my Google Blogspot Blog.


When I attempt to import a Word, PDF or .XML document to my Blog the process begins quite well with me identifying myself to “Captcha” as not being a robot.

But every time without fail after verifying that I am NOT a robot and the import reaches 100% the every maddening "Captcha" pops up a infernal message saying: "Verification unsuccessful. Please try again." Then my import attempt is killed.

I should point out the following:

Before beginning the import I uncheck the block that says:  "Automatically publish all imported posts and pages"

The files I am trying to import is a file from my own blogger blog which I previously had exported to my laptop with the intention of importing it back to my blog at a future date which is now.

In an effort to resolve this issue I have:

  1. Cleared Browser Data
  2. Tried a different browser
  3. Waited 24 hours to try again.
  4. Turned off all Extensions
  5. Tried an “incognito” browser.

I have gone through this process numerous times.

Can somebody assist me in resolving this issue?

Thank you.

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