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I've notice a few issues with MB 3.0, one is that when you open it; it does not open to the desktop? it opens to the tray and it takes about 30 seconds of clicking on it to get it to open to the desktop?? it then reports that updates are current even when they aren't? you have to click 'check for updates' and it will proceed to download updates then report they are current? so it seems it does not check the updates validity when opened and just reports its up to date..

...now for my main concern, when scanning my SSD it uses 100% CPU and 90-99% RAM..? soon as I pause the scan the usage drops, now i can expect 100% CPU but not 100% RAM of 8GB..? that sounds like a memory leak to me? I know SSD's are fast and it was scanning at 180MB/s in some cases, but surely MB should delete the file from RAM after its been scanned and is clean? meaning the RAM usage should never be over what MBAM uses and maybe 1-3 files its scanning

any advice will be gratefully appreciated


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