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So, not sure whether this is relevant or not, but I have been having issues with getting the real time web protection service to start (I'm working on the tips for that).  I've done several scans, but when I boot up, and open malwarebytes, it sas no scans have been done.

In response to this claim that no scans have been done, I did a new scan today.  It finished and said everything was fine, and shortly after, a popup said  ransomware was quarantined.  I clicked on the popup which brought me to the quarantine window, and no quarantined files being listed.  There are also no logs that have been saved since January, which I think it when I updated to Malwarebytes 3.0 in the malwarebytes director, I've attached the logs from the mbamservices directory.

How do I find where the ransomware was quarantined or if it really was? (I'm sending this from the computer in question, though I'm hesitant to shut it off or reboot because of this and have disconnected my backup drive, just in case).  I have no idea what would've caused a finding of ransomware, I was not clicking on any sources I was unfamiliar with at the time this happened.

Why is malwarebytes claiming it hasn't done a scan when it has?  How can it claim to have quarantined ransom ware and then not have anything listed in quarantine?



mbamservices logs.zip


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