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I recently put Malwarebytes for mobile onto an Android phone (Galaxy S3 mini, Android 4.1.2, not rooted).

On running a privacy audit it informed me that CCleaner has access to monitor and even record calls.

I like many others trust CCleaner and it seems a bit strange, to say the least, that it should monitor calls.
Why would a cleaning tool even need to do this?

OK it can see, and clean, the call logs, but monitoring/recording the actual calls?

Is this a false report by Malwarebytes mobile?

I have also asked on the Piriform forums if anyone else has noticed this.

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On 24/02/2017 at 3:53 PM, nukecad said:

On running a privacy audit it informed me that CCleaner has access to monitor and even record calls.


Is nobody else seeing this warning?, or am I the only person with both Malwarebytes and CCleaner on their Android phone?

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Well still no reply here, but-


The Piriform devs have confirmed that this is just Malwarebytes falsely seeing that looking at the call logs is being seen by MB mobile as monitoring actual calls.



Over to you Malwarebytes devs.

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