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My computer is having several problems. One of them is the slow boot up speed when I press the power button. When it is finally finished, the desktop background is black.

Most of the icons work, but the start menu and toolbar won't. I've tried system restore and it failed and I don't have an Ethernet cable.

I did install Malwarebytes, but everytime I click on it, it says it cannot connect to service. I tried getting Chameleon, but neither Chrome nor Mozilla will actually download it.

I booted up my computer yesterday in the morning and it worked fine, but after that it was back to the problems I mentioned

Idk what to do.

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Hello @GM6 and :welcome:

Please use the locked/pinned topic at Having problems using Malwarebytes? Please follow these steps: as a checklist to give devs/staffers a starting point for the help you require.  You may reply to your own topic with the attached zipped archive and the three (3) separate data files in text form.

Please consider left-clicking the "Follow" button, near the upper-right corner of your topic, to receive timely email notifications about updates to your topic.

Thank you.

Edited by 1PW
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On 2/25/2017 at 7:55 AM, 1PW said:

Hello @GM6 and :welcome:

Please use the locked/pinned topic at Having problems using Malwarebytes? Please follow these steps: as a checklist to give devs/staffers a starting point for the help you require.  You may reply to your own topic with the attached zipped archive and the three (3) separate data files in text form.

Please consider left-clicking the "Follow" button, near the upper-right corner of your topic, to receive timely email notifications about updates to your topic.

Thank you.

It says the topic is closed and not open to further replies 

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