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I've been using malwarebytes for a while now and I have to say my confidence in malwarebytes is shaken. My passwords were stolen perhaps by a key-logging program....Has this happened to anyone else while using this service?  Does malwarebytes protect against key-logging? Should I do a fresh install of windows to be sure the program is gone? Malwarebytes found a few threats the night before this happened but it quarantined them and I deleted them.

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  • Root Admin

Hello @Saulz and :welcome:

We'd need to get some logs to see what's going on with the computer. As far as passwords being compromised, there are many avenues where or how that can happen. Most people now days have work computers, home computers,  smart phones, Public libraries, etc. How do you know for a fact that a password was compromised ?


Please read the following and post back the 3 requested logs as an attachment.
Diagnostic Logs


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Forgive me but now I'm super paranoid about downloading stuff from random websites. If you want diagnostic logs then they should be built into your software or offered on your official website. I'm certain the password was taken from my home pc because I didn't use those passwords on any other device. 

Edited by Saulz
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  • Root Admin

These tools are safe and have been used by thousands of users many times. Again, though, what proof do you have that a password was compromised and a password to what? If you like you can send me a private message with more details but we'll still need logs. Otherwise, you'll need to take the computer to a local forensics analysts to have it scanned which is quite expensive. If you want our help then you're just going to have to ratchet down your paranoia some and let us help you. Most "tricks" are when they come looking fo you, not like in your case where you came looking for help from us. The type of rootkit that steals passwords is rarely even seen nowadays. The most common threat is encrypting your data and then holding you ransom to pay in order to decrypt your data to get it back.

Go read up here and the many other sites where these tools are ran and you'll see that they're here doing a good thing, not attacking you or compromising your data.



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