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This is my 1st post, new to this forum.  I have a couple of simple questions.

(1)  Is there any way to stop that annoying popup the keeps showing every time I move to a new forum thread etc?  It keeps saying,
'Would you like to receive notifications from this site?'.
I decline every time and it gets in the way.

(2)  Every since Anti-Exploit came out I ran it on my laptop along with the free version of MalwareBytes.  Recently I heard they dropped the auto renew requirement so I downloaded and installed the newest MalwareBytes. I had some questions on the purchase but Sales is 2 days out now on answering my email.

But here's the thing I just noticed. Apparently in this new 3.0.X free version they took away Anti-Exploit. I.e. it's not free anymore, cause after I installed the 3.0.X it's gone. When I look at the Dashboard it say Exploit Protection is Premium Only.

I'm a little disillusioned by not hearing from sales in 2 days now. I assume that the bought version is much faster starting than the EXTREMELY slow new free version ?

Would like to hear any input good or bad on the current new bought version ?

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Wow, looks like MalwareBytes forum is not that responsive either. The MalwareBytes app was (in the past) always a good app (except for the earlier auto upgrade requirement at purchase).

But the aspect of not being able to communicate with them at all (no reply back in days since email I sent to sales) makes a purchase somewhat too abstract for me.

I guess they make enough money doing business that way, but I will have to rule off as no purchase for me.

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Because I am just a volunteer here I am not going to have all the answers.

13 hours ago, RJW2 said:

(1)  Is there any way to stop that annoying popup the keeps showing every time I move to a new forum thread etc?  It keeps saying,
'Would you like to receive notifications from this site?'.
I decline every time and it gets in the way.

I use that feature and like it.

13 hours ago, RJW2 said:

I had some questions on the purchase but Sales is 2 days out now on answering my email.

What question do you have that are not covered in the FAQ.


13 hours ago, RJW2 said:

Sales is 2 days out now on answering my email.

Support is first come first serve. And also very busy with 3.0 issues. Did you receive a email telling you they received the request? Did you check your spam/junk folder?

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