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Hard Drive keeps filling up with junk files in temporary folder. Boost_interprocess PreEmptive Solutions appear without download.

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My older computer kept getting this Boost_interprocess folder in my appdata file.It would remain on the computer even through completely wiping my whole computer, flashing bios, flashing firmware.

I got a new laptop a couple weeks ago. My main harddrive keeps filling up with multiple gb worth of temp files and folder. Many of which are like mp4 files from the edge browser. I do not download anything only watch youtube videos, do moderate gaming, and visual studio and C++ programming on this laptop. The boost_interprocess folder appeared along with I also noticed I have a PreEmptivesolutions folder in the appdata as well. Computer is brand new really laggy. My surfacepen will randomly not work, OneNote freezes up. Mouse starts moving slow. Also the sound will ocassionally get distorted on sounds like strange. Its really weird

Edited by nbnb
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