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Websense ThreatSeeker  >  shopping ( pageviews.elasticbeanstalk.com )

IP >  > https://www.virustotal.com/en/ip-address/

you may have some crap in your browser, have you tried AdwCleaner > https://www.malwarebytes.com/adwcleaner/

also consider this > https://blog.malwarebytes.com/malwarebytes-news/2013/05/oh-the-sites-you-will-never-see/


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Adw Cleaner has kept getting the Zone Alarm search as a detection. And I would click remove. and it would be back.

So I just now deleted Zone Alarm search as a search engine on my google settings .

I already had Google as my main search engine.


After I deleted Zone Alarm search, I ran Adw cleaner again and it shows zero detection's. 


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It does not seem to let me get all the protection logs at once.

The View Report button is grayed out, unless I highlight them 1 at a time.

It does show logs all the way to 12-8-16

And the first Website Blocked shows 1-27-17 at 3:00pm


Should I think about a system restore before the 1-27-17 date ?

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When I installed and used Anti-Malware 2 for the first time nearly 3 years ago, I got suddenly a very similar warning while surfing in the internet. Of course I can't remember the named IP address, but the type was also "Inbound".

Like you I was pretty scared and reacted in the same way. I scanned my computer at first with Anti-Malware 2, then with my AV Norton internet Security  (NIS) and even with Norton Power Eraser, a very strong additional part of NIS. All three ones didn't find anything.

When the same incident happened for the second time, I did again the same scans as described with the same result: Nothing was found.

Now since that time I have gotten several times the "inbound-warning", but I don't react anymore directly. I do as always the scans by Anti-Malware 2 and NIS at least every three days and never anything was found.

I see it now in that way: Anti-Malware has blocked the seemingly attacking IP-address and everything is good.

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