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I am a real novice when it comes to dealing with Malware but I think I may have an infection. My disk usage often runs up to 100% leaving me unable to run programs or do anything. The exact symptoms differ with every boot. Sometimes my desktop loads without a background picture.

I tried to run Malwarebytes to scan my pc but it will not open beyond asking if I want to run it in a UAC window.

I tried to run Chameleon but it terminates after a brief scan. I can't seem to copy a log from it either but ive seen the same error report on other forums.

Is there any advice anyone can offer? Am I being thick or do I have some nasty virus blocking Malwarebytes from running?


P.s. I have disabled Windows Search & Superfetch and that appears to have freed up some disk usage but Malwarebytes still won't run even in chameleon.

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