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I'm running Windows 10 Home edition, 64 bit. I plan to use MBAM 3.0 free version alongside WD, using WD as my real time protection agent. My question is: what settings could I change, folders and files should I exclude, etc. to make sure that these two products don't conflict and mess up my system?

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As for using Defender or MSE, do keep in mind that there is a performance issue between Microsoft's free AV and 3.0 that we're working on fixing at the moment which can cause system slowdown issues, particularly during system boot and especially during shutdown (sometimes shutdown is slowed to the point where it takes several minutes before the machine finally powers down and we've seen a few instances where it just hung the machine trying to shut down indefinitely, requiring that the machine be forced to power off via the power button).  We're working on this issue, but for now I'd recommend choosing a different free AV solution if you have a customer that requires one, such as Avast!, Avira or AVG; all of which should work alongside Malwarebytes 3.0 without issue.

This was a quote from Exile360 (admin on this site) in another thread.

It may not affect you but at least you are warned.

Jim :excl:


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