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When I attempt to run a custom scan on Malwarebytes 3.0 the scan always stops on the same file. The stopped scan can not be paused and Malwarebytes can not be closed with ending the task and still will stay running, only fix is to restart PC.

A regular threat scan does not stop and "No Threats are Found". No other issues on PC. New PC build, new installation of Malwarebytes so there shouldn't be any issues. The options I have selected for the Custom Scan are:

Scan Memory Objects

Scan Startup and Registry Settings

Scan within archives

Scan for rootkits

Treat Detection as malware


The scan stops on this file in the filesystem on my C:/ drive:



It seems to be a file related to Mozilla Firefox. There seem to other instances of Malwarebytes stopping on scans of the filesystem, is this a bug or possibly an infection? If I cannot scan for rootkits and scan the filesystem then my system is not protected as Malwarebytes claims. Unfortunately I don't have much experience in this field so it will be difficult for me to troubleshoot this issue any further on my own.



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I am NOT an expert. Only answering because no one else has. But I do know this:

The file you are seeing displayed on your monitor is typically not the actual file that Malwarebytes is "stuck" on.

Are you are running a Custom Scan? If so, does that include scanning within archives and for rootkits? Try disabling those two options and rescan.

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