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Hi! Since I installed Malwarebytes 3 I never had any problems with it, I think I can consider myself lucky since there are so many posts here reporting so many problems, some of them being recurring problems between versions....

But lately, my Malwarebytes is acting a little weird... It is just taking forever to launch the main application, for example when I open it from the tray, or when I use on-demand scan in context menu to make sure a file is clean before opening it. Sometimes it is taking even 5 MINUTES to open the application and it didn't used to happen before. Yeah well, it always took some time to start, but not so long like what I'm experiencing now.

Also, I noticed that I can't add any kind of exclusions anymore...when I try to add exclusions, the wizard finishes but nothing is added to the list. Should I perform a reinstall maybe?

Edited by axkazex93
It is 3.06 version not 3.05 sorry
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