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You won't be able to remove them from the client view directly if they no longer exist on the network. Go to Admin \ Database Settings \ Cleanup Settings \ Change. Set "Delete obsolete clients" to yes, then change "when a client has not accessed the server for" to something short, like one day, wait for the machine to drop off the client view, then increase the days from 1 back to 30.

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The console's AD OU group function is a mirror of your AD structure, if the machine is off the network and cannot check in to the management console but still has an entry in AD \ computers, then the computer will still show up in the console because your AD OU sync to the management console is keeping the entry there. Does that make sense?

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The computers have been removed from all AD OU groups. The feature in the console still does not work. I will not delete and re-add  OU groups every-time I have just 1 computer to delete. It would be nice if a right click delete function could be programmed in the console to delete computers. This could not be that hard to fix.

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I gotta push back here a little bit, you are not understanding the consequences of what using an AD OU mirror entails. It's also not too hard to decommission a machine properly prior to removing it from your environment. A little more prep, saves a lot of clean up.

The Client View right-click context-menu option "Remove Client(s)", is not available to you because you are using an AD imported OU as a group. Again I need to mention this function is purely a mirror of your AD users and computers. All adding of client entries, moving client entries, deleting client entries, changing tree order, editing computer/folder names etc, must be done within AD if you want it to reflect within the AD OU group mirror here in the console. The console has no authority over your AD, only access to it through LDAP queries. If the machine goes down and is unable to be booted or has been removed without AD decommission, the drop off timer should take care of it after you've removed the computer from AD users and computers. If not, the procedure is to resync your AD from the Admin tab or remove and re-add your AD OU group mirror.



If you are using regular group folders that you've created within the console Client View, you can just right click and remove them from the view, even when they are offline



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