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Excuse me, i'm new here, decided to have a look around as it's my first day on the forums and what did I find?  This thread you created, roughly one hour from when I made my thread as far as I can see, and what a coincidence that someone would name their thread the same as mine, the probability huh, and I see no mention of a "Final release slowing boot time dramatically." in your post, but I do see mention of trolls... pardon me but it sounds a smidge as if you are calling me a troll? I mean I don't see how all of this could be a mere coincidence...what is the purpose of this might I ask?

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  • Root Admin

The user accidentally posted to your topic @Overclocked so I moved it out to his own in this section of the forum keeping the same title. We run quite a bit of spammer flagging, posting, for deletion of their accounts and content which is what Lramo is speaking of I believe.

Thank you



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