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whenever i click on a file and go to properties and then security tab. Under groups & users there is some accounts called ''Account unknown'' with a bunch of letters and numbers after it. I know they are some old accounts that weren't deleted properly but how can i get rid of them now? someone told me something about group policy or edit policy or something like that but they didnt really know

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Put all the files ot icons, in a folder, look them over and if you don't want them delete them! Don't remove a .dll files, or anything that your not sure of.. and after you remove them. don't empty the Recycle bin for a week or so. just my 2 cents..

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It's most likely one of the built in accounts put there by MS for use by things such as Windows Installer etc. that has since been removed, probably by an update installation or service pack. For info on how to verify that it no longer exists and how to delete it if it doesn't exist anymore please read the thread on TechArena here.

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