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It was just a few short months ago that EVERYONE and his mother was screaming for the new Malwarebytes version to be released. Bitch, bitch, bitch. It could not be released soon enough. And listen to you all now. SMFH. Damned if you do. Damned if you don't.

Are you all noobs? Never, in the history of computer software has anything ever been perfect in its initial release. NEVER! Look how long Microsoft has been working on Windows, FFS. Still haven't got it right. Probably never will.

You all seem to forget that Malwarebytes 3.0 is a completely new animal. Stand back and give it room to breathe. None of your bitching and moaning is helping. Frankly, the gnashing of teeth is childish and embarrassing in the extreme. Oh poor you, the malwarebytes staff aren't listening to you. Sound like a bunch of babies with wet diapers. Everyone needs to just stfu. The staff are clearly busy responding to issues and fixes on a one-on-one basis or working on malware removal or fixes to the Malwarebytes 3.0 code. There are only so many human beings available for these mostly thankless jobs.



(End of rant. Bring on the hate. I'll take some for the team.)

Edited by TheThornWithin
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3 hours ago, Aura said:

Hi TheThronWithin :)

Did you go back to 3.0.5 after experiencing issues with 3.0.6? 3.0.5 is an older version, while 3.0.6 is the current one.




Hi Aura! :)

No. I have never reverted. It's always forward! Once more unto the breach....and all that.

I upgraded from 2.2.1 to 3.0 without any problems. I then responded to an update notification on my PC, installed and ran into several of the issues described here by others. I updated to in hopes of resolving the issues but things got even worse. I didn't know if it was Malwarebytes 3.0 or if some nasty had also somehow entered the fray. Enter AdvancedSetup who checked my FRST logs in a jiffy, had me perform a clean uninstall/reinstall, run a FRST fixlist, run another FRST, and a final reinstall that solved my issues: 

I have been issue-free ever since.

I am aware there's a newer release: I see the notification multiple times a day. But I am more than a little wary of responding to it. If it ain't broke, right? Since the latest release is relatively minor and my current installation is running just fine, thank you very much, I think I'll bide my time and hope for more stable releases in the future. I appreciate that you took the time to offer your input - it is always of value.

Lastly, I think I like how you misspelled my name. Reminds me of the porn/pron thingy. Lol. I should have thought of it when I created my account here.

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