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I have to add to this thread as well. I am having protection layers randomly turn off as well, Running the commands dcollins mentioned earlier I get "The specified service does not exist as an installed service" for all 3 commands. Rebooting, web control was still disabled but it did allow me to turn it back on manually. So far it seems to be working but it also did that before and randomly turned off. Running Windows 10, KIS 2016,, Malwarebytes

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Twice now KIS was running a rootkit scan and Malwarebytes web protection turned off and the only way to turn it back on is reboot and manually turn it on again after reboot. It will not start automatically. I'm waiting to see if it turns off again today after KIS does it's rootkit scan. 

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@crash2004 it sounds like you have a different issue than we're trying to troubleshoot here. Most people in this thread are not having issues with Web Protection turning off, it's just not blocking things properly for them. Would you mind taking your discussion to a separate thread so we don't cause confusion here? There's another thread that sounds similar to yours over here: 


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12 minutes ago, dcollins said:

@crash2004 it sounds like you have a different issue than we're trying to troubleshoot here. Most people in this thread are not having issues with Web Protection turning off, it's just not blocking things properly for them. Would you mind taking your discussion to a separate thread so we don't cause confusion here? There's another thread that sounds similar to yours over here: 

dcollins, thanks for your help - think you have a handle on what the problem is - hope you can solve it soon.  


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