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My protection settings keep getting turned off automatically (some, not all... the most frequent is web protection and some others).  There doesn't seem to be any way to actually save my settings once I've turned these protections on, and every time I start my computer, I get a message that I'm not fully protected, and sure enough, some of my settings have been turned off.

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Hello Malwarebytes,

For over 10 years I have supported and used your product, I have recommended it as the best solution for my clients and as a result almost all my 3,700 customers use Malwarebytes to protect their PC's,  This means I have an honorable work ethic because by having your product on their computers they don't call me out to fix so many

problems .. 

now we have Real time protection turning itself off and my customers are saying "You recommended this and now its not working" expecting a free visit and miraculous repair.

Please provide me with a link to either roll back the product to the previous working version or provide a patch to fix the issue that does not cost me time and money on free house calls.  my email is pat.white@oncall-computerservices.com

It is high time corporate stop using its client base to test new updated products, I am a small business just as you 4 guys were when you started - I cant afford to fix this issue for you at my clients PC and at my expense -  I supported you in the face of many nay Sayers please fix or roll back before your name is painted with the same brush as other low quality quick buck grabbers.

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Hi brujavu :)

Can you try the solutions listed in the thread below and see if one works for you?



Please provide me with a link to either roll back the product to the previous working version or provide a patch to fix the issue that does not cost me time and money on free house calls.

You can download Malwarebytes from the install FAQ article.


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