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Recently I've been having a popup that states Malwarebytes has detected and blocked an exploit. When I view the report, there is nothing available.  I have rebooted my system several times. Inside the MalwareBytes tool, I am not able to enable the Web Protection setting.  While whatever is happening on my system, it seems MalwareBytes is blocking it, but it is my best interest to remove whatever rootkit, or malware is loaded on my system.

I am currently running the Malwarebytes Anti-Rootkit and once completed I will upload the logs.




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I am having the same problem ongoing since January. A notification keeps popping up that real time web protection is turned OFF, but repeated tries to turn web protection ON do not work. The button on the console will not hold in the ON position. A tech support guy installed Malwarebytes on my machine and I paid him for the program. So, I need to go to the step of getting license details from him before trying the uninstall / reinstall fix. Obviously, this is a problem others are having and have been having for a while. I hoped it would be resolved by Malwarebytes via issuing a fix but it has not (that I know of) other than to post instructions in this forum for a procedure that users must do involving an uninstall / reinstall and so forth. I am at a loss right now as to how to proceed other than to recontact the tech who installed the program then go from there. I am spending a lot of time on this issue that would best be spent getting work done. Could someone please post about the current status of the real time protection glitch and what to do?       

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Hi @jmcquiggan and @INNJAY,

Have you guys tried this workaround to enable web protection: https://forums.malwarebytes.com/topic/195576-real-time-protection-layer-turning-off-try-this/

Innjay, you can retrieve your license details by clicking "My Account" at the top right. There you can find your License info.


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This is a report along similar lines: Windows 10 Home, MWB version Yesterday, my wife's computer kept giving a popup that not all protection was enabled. I clicked on it three times to enable protection, to no effect. I next opened MWB, went to the Settings/Protection tab, and clicked on WebProtection, which reported either loading or starting, I don't recall which; suffice it to say that that is as far as it went, never accomplishing anything.

Third step was to exit and restart MWB, whereupon I got an error message that I thought had been fixed, namely that the program could not contact the server, or words to that effect, so I restarted the computer. When that process completed, I was surprised to see that the MWB try icon was still showing an error, so I returned to Web Protection and turned it on; this time, the problem was solved.

I've not encountered this on my computer since a beta version install some time ago, followed by the update to (the one that I believe started that the `cannot connect' malady had been remedied.

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