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So since the update to MBAM 3.0 I have had so many issues. I use Comodo Killswitch instead of taskmgr or process explorer.
Anyway, when I have this on I notice that MBAM services starts and ends 24/7 on my computer. I have never had these problem with the old version.
I have tested everything reinstall uninstall my anti-virus and exactly everything, still do I have these issues.

I remember that 3.0 was in beta test, and even in beta test there was issues with protections shut down. Still you guys released beta instead of fixing the issues.
I have used MBAM aa longer time and I really liked it. Now I'm so frustrated because it doesn't seem that any issues get fixed.

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Hi unknownguy--

I can't exactly tell what the particular issue is that you're experiencing with Malwarebytes 3.0.

We'd be happy to help troubleshoot, if you'd like, but we'd need some additional information before we can do so.

Please follow the instructions here to report an issue:

Or you may also contact our Support team for assistance directly.



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