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Can someone please get this fixed? I read the stickied topic and it's completely ridiculous that I need to waste my time uninstalling and reinstalling software. I paid money for this product to work properly, not sit around under the hood trying to fix it.

I was REALLY turned off by a post by an admin I saw talking about how everything works fine on his computers and that it's something wrong with ours. That is the worst example of customer service I've seen in a while. Unless that admin is fine with shipping me his computers that are working fine, then that shouldn't be mentioned.

If the software only works on your computers, then that's completely fine, just let us know and stop selling this product.

Don't make excuses, don't try and blame us, don't tell us that we have to uninstall software and waste OUR time trying to fix YOUR mistake, just get it fixed, please.

-Years long, upset customer

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