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4 hours ago, Konac said:

Recently a folder has been installed into C:\Windows\ known as Syswow64 and i cant seem to remove it


This folder is a very important Windows OS system folder. You do not want to delete it and Windows usually has a few safe guards in place to prevent users from doing so. No matter what, messing around in it and deleting things can lead to major OS problems and damage. 

If you are curious, this is the system folder for 32-bit/x86 OS files on a 64-bit/x64 version of Windows. Specifically, it's what allows 32-bit/x86 based software to function on Windows 64-bit/x64. The name of the folder is actually a shortening of the real name of this component, which is Windows (32) On Windows 64. This translates the full name of the folder as the Windows (32) On Windows 64 System Folder.

Edited by AlexSmith
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