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I upgraded to Premium. Then auto-upgraded to 3.0. Now an entire hard drive of scans takes ~3 minutes. Yay! 

It takes place DURING MY SYSTEM STARTUP OR WAKEUP FROM SLEEP! So for 3 minutes, I can barely use my laptop. I have a couple of large email archives, and it just chokes to a stop. 

How can I STOP THE FULL HARD DRIVE SCAN at startup? I would love to be reminded to let it run, after I have checked emails, etc. As it is, every day as I re-wake my laptop, I am stalled for up to 3 minutes. 

I am now regretting this upgrade. I cannot control my protection levels. Please let ME decide when to do a full HD scan. Scan memory, yes, but not 359,000 FILES!!!!!

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For starters, you might check Settings > Scan Schedule and see if there are any scans scheduled.  As far as I know, MB does not run any kind of scan on its own, only ones that are scheduled or manually started.  Also, you might check REPORTS and see what kind of scan is being run.

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Capair45 - I apologize in advance if this reply is grumpy. I just fired up my computer, and had to fight for control of it, instead of being able to check email, THEN let MBAM start its routine.

Your logic was my logic.


MBAM 3 now runs a scan once a day UPON STARTUP. I find NO way to tell it to do it later. I've even deselected my daily scan and it still runs upon startup. It does a full, 359,000+ file scan. 

I am a hair's breadth from deinstaling and requesting my money back. I am that POed. I have to leave MBAM open on my task bar 100% of the time, so I can reach in and pause it during startup. This is back that stupid patriarchal mentality that says "only we in the business know what's best for you, and we will enforce our version upon you." The problem is, MANY softwares take that approach. And as a USER of that software, I want to acknowledge the risk, and make my own decisions. Not be forced into a decision by a group of (usually) men, making decisions that affect my life. 

Sorry - GRUMPY is not yet worn off.



Edited by MML2050
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