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I was recently doing a threat scan on the latest version of the premium trial for malwarebytes on windows 10. The scan found nothing, however i received an error message. I don't have screenshots of exactly what it said, but it was regarding Mbamtray.exe. When trying to close the error message it simply came back.


I tried uninstalling Malwarebytes, however it only seems to have deleted the shortcuts and the program itself seems to mostly be intact. I also tried manually deleting the Malwarebytes folder but it denied permission to delete the "Anti-Malware" folder; despite the fact that my user has full administrator permissions.


I had another issue almost a week ago where malwarebytes didn't allow me to enable Malware Protection (when clicking the slider it simply stayed on "Starting" and never enabled..). Reinstalling malware bytes resolved this and i could enable malware protection.


I'm 99% sure that Mbamtray.exe is just a file for malware bytes and isn't malicious. I'm starting to worry this might be something else deliberately trying to disable malwarebytes. Sorry for the lack of information, when this occurred i was stressed and i can't remember much of what actually happened.

I have found a folder called "372434b5f2af27f6b26cd981bbb1d07c" on the same drive as Malwarebytes, when deleting i am again denied permission. I'm still not quite sure about this though, as i don't remember viruses commonly having "Graphics" folders..


Any software to locate and remove a potential virus/trojan or whatever this could be would be appreciated.


Edited by Kuro
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