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For the last few weeks I have been getting the error.  "One or more real-time protection layers are turned off".  I've followed other threads with this same error and tried some fixes.  Each fix works for a day or two and then it goes back to the same error.  I've tried the folowing:

1. Under Settings -> Protection inside of Malwarebytes, turn on the option for "Enable self-protection module early start" and then reboot to see if your real-time protection starts

2. under Settings -> Protection inside of Malwarebytes, turn off the "Enable Self-Protection" option and reboot to see if you can start your real-time protection

3. do a full uninstall of Malwarebyets 3.0.6 and then re-install it

I've gone ahead and attached the MB-checkresult file as   requested on other treads


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