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Turning on "Enable self-protection module early start" *seems* to have fixed the issue for me, but it is early days. Will report back if I get the issue again..

Also, when Malwarebytes reported that real-time protection was disabled, I opened the main interface, but the settings showed the real-time protection *was* enabled. Maybe some sort of reporting error?



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Also, when Malwarebytes reported that real-time protection was disabled, I opened the main interface, but the settings showed the real-time protection *was* enabled. Maybe some sort of reporting error?

There is some disparity sometimes with the right-click context menu and the main interface. Malwarebytes is working on fixing this.


I have done all the things above and it worked for a day or so and then I get the same problem.

If you tried the suggestions in celee's thread and they didn't work, then please create a new thread stating your issue and provide the information and logs asked in the thread below.



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