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The good news is that Kaspersky have a tool to decrypt files encrypted with Cryakl. The bad one is that it might not work in all situations.


What I suggest you to do is back-up a few files, then try to decrypt them with Kaspersky's RannohDecrypter. If it works, then decrypt the other files. If it doesn't and the files ends up corrupted, then you'll have the back ups (even if they are encrypted). Let me know how it goes.

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I'm trying the kaspersky scanner and it doesn't seem to be working but before I give up on it here is the log

10:50:52.0474 0x0da0  Initialize success
10:51:07.0142 0x1344  Can't get encrypted file path
10:51:07.0142 0x1344  Can't init decryptor
10:51:09.0371 0x0908  Deinitialize success

As soon as I click scan it asks for an encrypted file. I select one that I have the original from a backup and then it asks for the original. I select that and the scanner just stops.

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No problem Jd_bouque, you're welcome.

What I suggest you to do is back up your encrypted files somewhere safe, just in case a free decryption solution gets releasted in the future. I would also monitor BleepingComputer's thread on Cryakl and their News Articles as if a decrypter for it is found, you can be sure that it'll be posted over there.

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