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Hi wa3pnt--

I know you said you tried the Self-Protection Early Start option, but have you tried completely disabling self-protection temporarily?

Under Settings -> Protection, turn off the option for "Enable self-protection module". Then reboot and see if your protection module starts up.


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I am running MBAM, and this morning, updated to Avast! Anti-virus version 17.1.2286 (build 17.1.3394.30).  Updating Avast! seems to have done the trick, because after restarting, MBAM loaded properly, as expected.  Then Avast! came up, also working fine.  It appears that if MBAM starts before the AV, things are ok.

If, like me, you're running MBAM with Avast! side-by-side, you may wish to see if the latest update of the AV product helps.  I notice that in their new release, there's an option to have the AV services not start until other system services have started.  I don't have that option enabled, but it may be worth looking at that as well.  By the way, I also have the MBAM program path added to the Avast! list of exclusions.

Good luck,


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Well, no Web Protection again.

I've tried all variations of Self Protection and Early Start without success.

One out of four times I can manually start Web Protection.  The other three times it just remains in the "starting" mode.

I am running Windows Defender, and I have excluded the entire C:\Program Files\Malwarebytes folder.



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