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19 minutes ago, dcollins said:

It looks like your self protection didn't disable properly. Can you try booting to safe mode and turning your self protection off, then booting back into normal mode?

I know this wasn't in response to me, but I tried the above, and in Safe mode, MWB launces as the free, rather than premium, version, and it does not seem to be able to authenticate keys (likely due to the lack of internet connection). Because of this, and since self-protection is only available on premium, I was unable to enable/disable self-protection in Safe mode.

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To anyone who still has this problem, I was able to fix it my uninstalling and reinstalling MWB. Make sure you deactivate your key before you uninstall.

This shouldn't have to be the solution, but it's better than nothing.

PS - Everyone might also want to check when the last time their scheduled scan was run. I noticed that mine had not been running, and when I tried to do so manually, it hung on the very first step (checking for updates). Luckily this was fixed as well with the uninstall.

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