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I  recently did a fresh install of windoze 7 on an S.S.D. with AHCI drivers and I installed MBAM 2.2.1. as well.  MBAM asked for MBAM 3.0 so I did the upgrade. Well the new 3.0 just would not sit well with me and it would constantly turn off web protection and I would go look at the setting and the switch would be on and it would suck-up WAY too much resources.  So I started looking around the forums reading that A LOT of others are having the same problems. This computer took a minute and a half to boot to the desktop. I uninstalled MBAM 3.0 and reinstalled 2.2.1, set it to NOT UPDATE THE PROGRAM just the definitions and my computer now boots in 18 seconds, But now I have 3 nags.

1) when 2.2.1 updates the definitions it gives me a nag screen to update the program also, and constantly gives the same nag every time I open MBAM.

2) In MBAM it states in big letters across the top of the dashboard "YOUR PROGRAM VERSION IS OUT OF DATE" in puke yellow.

3) A red yield sign on the MBAM icon in my system tray.

What did you do to our MBAM ? It now mimics a Broken, Buggy Beta that needs work. 

I'll wait a little time to see your fixes before I decide to dump MBAM or not.

If I just click the 'Deactivate License' button in MBAM 2.2.1, will I then cease to be automatically renewed ?

When I bought MBAM 2 years ago it was $24.95 and for 3 PC's; if you fix 3.0's shortcomings and I upgrade to it, you said that I would stay at the 24.95 renewal price, but will I still get the coverage on 3 PC's ?

I have swapable hard drives in my computer and I use MBAM on my sisters PC.


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Hi murph :)

Follow the instructions in the thread below. This way, Malwarebytes won't check for program updates when it checks for database updates, and deleting the downloaded setup file will remove the nagging prompt.


C:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\Malwarebytes Anti-Malware\mbam-setup.exe


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