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I have been letting off posting on the forum in hope of it being fixed in version 3.0.6 however I was disappointed to find out that my issue has been made better but not resolved. I have detected in my testing atleast that the MBAMService in some instances when running with a default configuration and the protection elements on as I am running Premium that the RAM Usage is getting very high. Now when I turn off my computer everyday the usage of the MBAMService is not getting much higher than around the 100MB which is fine and I accept that. However when I do not turn off my PC (I do turn off my monitors) it instead goes into sleep and lock automatically when I start the computer back up again the next day the MBAMService consistently uses more and more RAM until eventually I am unable to work on it and need to perform a restart of the machine to get it back to the 100MB for the rest of the day. 

The computer specifications:

CPU: Intel Core i5, 3.4Ghz


OS: Windows 10 Pro version 1607 (OS Build 14393.693)

MBAM: 3.0.6


I thank you in advance for your attention and apologize in advance if I may reply late to this thread as I am working :)


Edited by Perplexity
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  • Root Admin

Hello @Perplexity and :welcome:

Let me have you do a clean removal. Firsts go into the program settings and turn off the Self Protection and restart the computer.

Then follow the directions here to do a clean removal of Malwarebytes.

Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest version using the following guide. MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x

Let me know if that corrects the issue or not.




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Thank you for your reply however I am unable to follow the guide as per told by you. The option to turn off the Self Protection module in the Settings -> Protection menu is turned on however when clicking it does not respond to the action and stays turned on. 


The setting in question that I believe you were talking about: Settings -> Protection -> Enable self-protection module


Thank you for your help in advance.

Edited by Perplexity
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  • Root Admin

Hello @Perplexity

Please run the mbam clean tool removal tool 2 times. Rebooting between each use. Then run a FRST scan for me.

Please uninstall your current version of MBAM and reinstall the latest version using the following guide. MBAM Clean Removal Process 2x


Please read the following and post back the 3 requested logs as an attachment.
Diagnostic Logs

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I have ran the MBAM Clean Tool has requested by you 2 times with restarts in between each run of them. Then downloaded and ran FRST (64-bit version). The results of FRST and the MBAM Log files I have messaged you seeing as it is displaying some more personal information about my system. I hope you understand.

Again thank you in advance for the support, I am a big fan of the new MBAM 3.0 and as me being in IT I highly look up at your product.

Edited by Perplexity
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