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I have tried the steps at the beginning telling me to turn on Self Protection Module, reboot and, if that doesn't work, to turn off Self Protection Module and reboot, and still Web Protection will not come on. I clicked the switch to turn it on ten minutes ago and it turned green, says it's "starting" and still I'm waiting for it to start.

Every time I turn on my laptop, I get  message saying Protection Layers have been turned off, and that I am not fully protected. This is a PAID version. Why am I paying for it if it isn't protecting me?

How about some REAL solutions instead of the lackadaisical attitude at the beginning?

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  • Root Admin
2 hours ago, meathome said:

Well, as no one seemed to reply to my logs, I thought I'd update by saying I got it to work by uninstalling using MBAM clean and reinstalling via the website.


Just an FYI as no one seems to care.

I'm sorry @meathome my fault. Your topic did not show up on my list as you having replied until just today. Thank you for letting us know you were able to get it running. If there is anything you need help with please let me know. In the future, typically if I've not replied within 24 hours then something is probably up and you should send me a private message with a link to your topic as a reminder for me.

Thank you again



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