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On 1/31/2017 at 2:40 PM, Kmiller8821 said:

I have malware bytes installed and real time protection keeps turning off.  When I reboot, I can get it to come on but usually in a few hours it goes back to warning me that my real time protection layer(s) are turned off.

Here are the requested files:






Mine was working fine for the last few days but now it's back to the real time protection layer turned off crap again. Has there been any progress on this issue?

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4 minutes ago, Smolokom said:

I'm also having the same problem, that Real Time protection keeps turning itself off.  Every a.m. when I wake the pc it has been switched off.  ver 3.06

Just as a test, have you tried changing you power options so your computer does not go to sleep or hibernate to see if the issue remains, this would help the MBAM team know if there is an issue with the module after waking up a computer?  You can do that for just one night to see how it goes.

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