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Twice now I noticed web protection turning off around the same time KIS was running a rootkit scan and the only way to turn it back on is reboot and manually turn it on again after reboot. It will not start automatically. I'm waiting to see if it turns off again today after KIS does it's rootkit scan. I don't know of a way to start the rootkit scan manually to test. I'm running Windows 10, KIS 2016,, Malwarebytes

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@dcollins  I will do that when web protection turns off next. The rootkit scan had started while I was out and my system went into sleep mode. The scan finished after I woke the system again. Web protection did not turn off this time. I don't know if the sleep mode interrupting the scan stopped it from turning off or not. The logs would be better if web protection is off with it refusing to turn back on I assume?

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Okay, I started a manual rootkit scan and when it hit around 96% complete, web protection turned off again and refuses to start back up. For those wondering, to start a manual scan with KIS, open a command prompt and navigate to C:\Program Files (x86)\Kaspersky Lab\Kaspersky Internet Security 17.0.0 (change the version numbers to your version). In the command prompt type, "avp.com start scan_qscan" (without the quotes). That will start a manual rootkit scan.

Anyway, I attached the requested files.






Oops, I missed a part. I forgot to reboot after turning on event log data. Also, web protection started after rebooting and turning it on manually. Should I still upload the logs now?

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Okay, so celee says if it is your Website Protection having issues, please try the following two things:

  1. Under Settings -> Protection, turn on "Enable self-protection module early start". Then reboot and see if your protection module starts up
  2. If that doesn't work, under Settings -> Protection, turn off the option for "Enable self-protection module". Then reboot and see if your protection module starts up

Unfortunately no, it doesn't help with my issue. Every time KIS starts a rootkit scan, with the exception of the computer going to sleep and interrupting the scan, and it hits between 94% and 96% complete web protection turns off. Makes no difference on the setting. I know it's Kaspersky interfering but how on earth do I stop Kaspersky from killing the web protection? I'm not always able to reboot just to turn web protection back on. 

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  • 2 months later...

I've been testing Malwarebytes with the Component package version: 1.0.96 since it was released and have had no issues with any of the realtime protection modules turning off on me. As a matter of fact, KIS  2016 - Just finished a rootkit scan and all is well. KIS doing a rootkit scan had been killing web protection on every scan prior to this version. Thank you for the hard work you guys are doing to try to sort out the issues everyone is having. 

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